It's an exciting time in my life. My newest grandchild is due in two short weeks. I'm really excited about the impending birth because my daughter actually lives in my town. She's asked me to come with her to the hospital when she's in labor and I'll actually see my grandson being born.
Ive been thinking about retirement lately, not as in permanently never work again, but more like a change of venue. My daughter is going to be staying home for a while to take care of her newborn son, but after she goes back to work, I may take care of Joshua. I'm excited to be able to do it and kind of sad at the same time because I didn't get to stay home with my own kids at that age. I was too caught up in the "got to work to pay the bills" cycle.
On the health front, things have been a bit crazy for me lately. I had lumbar fusion surgery last December 2012, and have been healing well from that. I've had much less back pain lately and can actually bend down to pick something up. So I thought that it was going to be all uphill from there, recovery and then back to my normal life, if there is any such thing. But no, there wasn't to be any easy recovery for me. It started with abdominal pain in the spring, continued with numbness and weakness in my arms and legs and has continued with many odd symptoms which don't seem to add up to anything, according to the many tests I have had. It's really frustrating to be in the this limbo of testing and not knowing what's next. Sometimes, as it happens to other people, one test leads to a completely different set of tests unrelated to what you thought you were looking for. So I'm not sure that I'm any closer to a diagnosis than I was three months ago, but I've spent a lot of money looking. I'd like to get off this testing wagon, but pain and numbness have a way of keeping you seeking relief. It just doesn't quit!
Sometimes I get really sad and feel like I won't be able to do all the things in my bucket list. While you work, you dream of the time you retire as a kind of Disneyland where all your dreams will come true. I'm grateful that I've been able to travel throughout the years, both in the US and outside in other countries. I think about the trips I took with my mom;Mexico, Guatemala, Ghana, and I wonder whether I'll be able to travel with any of my kids. I did get to go to San Miguel de Allende with one of my daughters and I went to Ireland with another daughter. My older son and I went to Ghana with my mom through Global Volunteers when he was only 13 years old. I'm so glad we did it.
I've got to keep up the positive attitude in order to face each day. Going to work actually helps with that, because I have responsibilities that have to be met no matter how I feel. I have to put on a sunny face and go do my job.. The kids bring me joy and a sense of pride in their accomplishments anyway. People will often say to me in amazement that they've never seen a child read in braille or that they didn't know a blind child could be so independent. I'm amazed too sometimes, because of their progress, and I know that I had a big part in making that progress possible. It's a sense of pride that all teachers share.